VIP - VideoChannel Interview Project

Matlakas, Riccardo

Riccardo Matlakas
Italian videomaker


Transitory State, 2015, 6:02
@ artvideoKOELN – audiovisual experiences 01

Interview: 10 questions

1. Tell me something about your life and the educational background
I studied sculpture at the university of fine art in Naples, south Italy, but in parallel studies dance: Butoh and contact improvisation. During my Degree I saw sculpture containing all the media so I experimented with photography, paintings and performance. After my Degree I went off studying at Oxford Brookes University MA in Social Sculpture. I always understood medias not to be a limit but only facilitating in a different way a certain idea.

2. When, how and why started you filming?
In the early stage of my creative life I was very interested in the stop motion technique and filming is something that is calling me much more only after 10 years of art carrier. Because I see a lot of potential. I am personally a person who did not watch a lot of films in the past and actually I like keeing it like this since it makes me feel I don’t need to fullfill any particular standard.

3. What kinds of topics have your films?

My Videos talk about existence mainly.

4. How do you develop your films, do you follow certain principles, styles etc?
I am lately interested in writing a narrative read out by a machine with a series of images that supports the voice. As I said It is a very new Field for me so That’s how far I went during this year.

5. Tell me something about the technical equipment you use.
I simply use a digital camera. An editing program for video, a program that reads the words I write and a program for music editing so that I can adjust the voices’ pause.

6. These days digital technology is dominating also video as a medium. In which way the digital aspect is entering the creation of your videos, technologically and/or conceptually?
I just use this media as it is, The only way I experiment with it is in the forms and contents of my videos. I like using this media because It can bring to audience in a efficient way ways of life, emotions of that moment in time specifically.

7. How do you finance your films?
I work on budget Zero. And I would not say mine are films but rather videos. One day I aim to make a proper film.

8. Do you work individually as a video artist/film maker or do you work in a team?
I work indivisually, that’s the only way I see myself working.

if you have experience in both, what is the difference, what do you prefer?
I also worked with other people. I guess it is a great experience and it can bring your work teachically really high. But It is not for me.

9. Who or what has a lasting influence on your film/video making?
I love Bill Viola, but My videos have nothing to do with him.

10. What are your future plans or dreams as a film/video maker?
I guess just make something that can reach many hearts and can be simple at the same time.

Can works of yours viewed online besides on the CologneOFF/artvideoKOELN platform? Where?
I am an interdisciplinary artist and I have a website: