VIP - VideoChannel Interview Project

Ahn, JiHyun

JiHyun Ahn
videoartist from South Korea

  • artist biography
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    Interview:10 questions

    Tell me something about your life and the educational background.

    I was born in Seoul, South Korea and spent my childhood in Tokyo, Japan. Through exposure to Japanese designs that provoke consumers’ senses, I developed a keen interest in designs and ended up studying architecture in school. I first became interested in graphics when I learned how to use CAD, MAX, and photoshop during my architectural design classes. So I went to graduate school in computer art program at School of Visual Arts in New York City.

    When, how and why started you filming?

    I have always been interested in storytelling. It is a genuine pleasure for me to move people’s emotions and minds through the stories and images. After attending the art school, I could learn how to film and finally achieve my goal.

    What kind of subjects have your films/videos?

    The general themes of my works are unusual perception, imagination and visuals. My works are sometimes inspired by the dreams. The project, “Their circumstances” is also originated from my friend’s dream. I want to create illogical, disordered, non-linear and innovative works.

    How do you develop your films/videos, do you follow certain principles, styles etc?

    I always carefully observe physical objects and people’s emotions and make the stories that touches people delicately or amazes them by its originality. My main concern is always human’s behavior and senses.

    Tell me something about the technical equipment you use.

    I mainly draw on paper and shoot the drawings with video camera or scan them. I edit them in Photoshop, import them in After Effects and make animations. I also enjoy mixing live footages and hand-drawings. It goes with the same process above including compositing them in After Effects. For the current project, ’’ Their Circumstances’’, I used Flash with actionscript to show the animations. It offers abundant possiblities to innovate visuals.

    What are the chances of new media for the genre film/video in general
    and you personally?

    New media provides great opportunities to experience the new aspects of films and animations. Online works encourages people’s participations in art works, whether it’s created by programming or not. I try to use new media technology but also try not to obviously show it in my art works.

    How do you finance your films/videos?

    My projects are mainly financed by myself. I also collaborate with my animator friend so we share the budgets.

    Do you work individually as a videoartist/film maker or do you work in a team?
    If you have experience in both, what is the difference, what do you prefer?

    I usually work individually since most of my works had been school projects. However as I graduated, I started making a new film with my school friend who has the same goal towards the animation. Either one has its own advantages and disadvantages but it’s a great pleasure to be amazed by others’ unexpected talents.

    Who or what has a lasting influence on your film/video making?

    Michel Gondry’s music video and films are always good influences. Especially, his film, “Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind” invented a new idea that cannot happen in reality. Smart but quirky imagination is what I always looking for.

    What are your future plans or dreams as a film/video maker?

    I have several ideas about my new projects. I cannot wait to see how it turns out to be. If my works entertain people either by touching their hearts or giving them big laughs, that would be my happiness.