VIP - VideoChannel Interview Project

Travaglini, Alessia

Alessia Travaglini
Italian videomaker


Interview: 10 Questions

1. Tell me something about your life and the educational background

As a graphic designer I’ve always been attracted to images, composition and photography. I started to work with “moving images” through the animation and after that I understood what I was looking for myself.
I went to England and I attended a course of 3D animation and another course of graphic design at Cumbria Institute of the Arts in Carlisle; I came back home and I learned the analogical animation at the wonderful school “ISA, Scuola del libro” of Urbino; I took my graphic design degree at “I.S.I.A.” of Urbino in 2006 and after which I got a Light Design Master’s degree at “Academy of Fine Arts” in Macerata.
So, now I’m working with animation, video and motion graphic as a freelance but I didn’t give up on my research…

2. When, how and why started you filming?

I started to filming as a joke during a workshop called “Blackout circus”. It was organised and featured by Andrea Steinfl at my university I.S.I.A. of Urbino in 2003. They divided randomly the students into different groups and I remember that I wouldn’t go inside the “video group”. Of course I changed my idea.

3. What kind of subjects have your films?

I think the most subject I use in my films is the surreal world. I mean all kinds of odd, bizarre, strange things we can think, dream or believe. The fantasy is the key of my works and the symbolism is the key to interpret them.

4. How do you develop your films, do you follow certain principles, styles etc?

The first approach with the development of my films is the planning. Usually I make a research into the theme, the message, the history. I think about them, I watch the works of my heros as Jan Å wankmajer, Roman Polansky, Lars Von Trier, Federico Fellini, Michel Gondry, Lorenzo Fonda and I look for inspiration. When I catch it I fall into crisis…but than I start to make it without sleep, eat, go out with friends, on and on.

5. Tell me something about the technical equipment you use.
The technical equipment I use depend on my needs…and possibilities. Anyway I like to work with panasonic camcorders and nikon/canon reflex cameras. Laptop, tripod, victorinox, papers and my magic pencil case are really important as well.

6. What are the chances of new media for the genre film/video in general
and you personally?

The chances of new media are powerfuls and engagings for the film/video genre. The impressive technological speed and improvements are faster and faster. As well as Internet development is an important tool for the diffusion of new directors and indipendent films.
I think it’s a democratic “space” of information, anyone can use it.
Personally I use new media to show my works, I use it a lot as an important source of knowledge as its possibility to connect me with people. I really appreciate the interactive communication and interaction you can get with it.

7. How do you finance your films?

It’s always hard to find finances for personal projects or films. Basically the production is often independent, I invest in myself and later, prizes, competitions and festivals can be a good help (when it happens, of course!). Actually I believe that find a finance for a film depends on the project and on your intentions. Sometimes I find a way with sponsorship or sometimes I work on commissioned beautiful works.

8. Do you work individually as a video artist/film maker or do you work in a team?
if you have experience in both, what is the difference, what do you prefer?

In most cases I work by myself with the big support of my musician Riccardo Cardelli.
I worked in a team too and I like it. With the help of other people you can focus on your idea and you can share opinions and suggestions with them. The point is find good people to work with the same passion.

9. Who or what has a lasting influence on your film/video making?

The lasting influence on my video production is Surrealism. I will be always fascinated by our unconscious, dream state, unexpected juxtapositions and illogical relations.

10. What are your future plans or dreams as a film/video maker?

My future plan is to keep my projects, my passion and my ideas going on.

Can works of yours viewed online besides on VideoChannel? Where?
List some links & resources

My works can be viewed on my website: