VIP - VideoChannel Interview Project

Bosnjak, Igor

Igor Bosnjak
from Bosnia-Hercegovina



Interview: 10 questions

1. Tell me something about your life and the educational background.
I was born in Sarajevo 1981. and lived there untill war started 1992. From 1993. I am living in Trebinje. I finished BFA, Painting, Academy of Fine Arts, Trebinje, University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia [2000-2005], after that I finished MFA, Theory of Art and Media, Interdisciplinary Department, University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia [2007-2008] and right now I am on PhD, Theory of Art and Media, Interdisciplinary Department, University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia.

2. When, how and why started you filming?
First video I filmed 2004 because I bored little bit with painting. All story about my filming carier begun when I started tu shoot with analog photo camera from 2002.

3. What kind of subjects have your films?
My films and videos are related to religious, philosophy, war and some ontological relations between video and photography as old “new mediums”.

4. How do you develop your films, do you follow certain principles, styles etc?
I am developing them first by idea and then with story or some kind of narrative.

5. Tell me something about the technical equipment you use.
I use ordinary mini DV cameras and equipments, mixed with my PC. For editing I am using Adobe Premiere or Ulead Video Studio Pro.

6. What are the chances of new media for the genre film/video in general and you personally?
Film and video with new media have chance to devolop in many different ways.

7. How do you finance your films?
I finance it by grants or some projects. Ordinary I am producing it with my own budget.

8. Do you work individually as a video artist/film maker or do you work in a team? if you have experience in both, what is the difference, what do you prefer?
I prefer to work alone, but in some situations I like to work in group.

9. Who or what has a lasting influence on your film/video making?
I like style of Bill Violla, Peter Greenaway, David Lynch and etc.

10. What are your future plans or dreams as a film/video maker? I just want to keep doing filming because I am satisfied with that process.