VIP - VideoChannel Interview Project

Roscoe, Henrique

Henrique Roscoe aka VJ 1mpar
is a media artist from Brazil

  • artist biography
  • roscoe aka VJ 1mpar

    His video “For the Masses” is part of
    VideoChannel’s “image vs music”

    Find his bio at the end of this page—>

    Interview: 10 interview

    Tell me something about your life and the educational background
    I come from an advertising background, but I’m moving towards arts because that’s what I really want to work with. I’m a designer and musician and try to use these habilities to make the synchronicity between all the elements of my movies.

    When, how and why started you filming?
    I deal mainly with motion design and animation. I started in 2000 makign web sites in flash and dicovered that I liked the movement of the objects, and that inspired me more than just selling a product with a fine design. So I begun to move towards the direction of animation, VJing and production of short films, more on the authoral way. In 2004 I started a project of VJing, but I didn’t use samples from other people. I produced all the footages and loops the I use to play live. The next step was produce short films using the VJ’s technics and aesthetic.

    What kind of subjects have your films?
    I prefer the abstract themes. I believe in the power of the shapes and colours to impress the people’s soul. My movies are about moviment, directions and the feelings that these can produce. Sometimes I use figurative elements, but I give more importance to the inner impression its shape would cause than what it commonly represents.

    How do you develop your films, do you follow certain principles, styles etc?
    First I think about the theme and all the possible images and animations that could represent it. I choose the best ones and once all the ideas are refined, I start producing the images on the computer.

    Tell me something about the technical equipment you use.
    I produce the videos first using a vector software like Freehand to make the design of each scene, element or loop. Then I animate it on after effects or flash, depending on the result I wish to achieve. After all the scenes/loops are ready I put them on Resolume and make a live mix, using the real time effects and mixing capabilities of the software. Then I return to After Effects to finalize it.

    What are the chances of new media for the genre film/video in general and you personally?
    For me all the medias should help each other in order to get the best results. I think the these results appear when all the medias are used together, in a fine way.

    How do you finance your films?
    As everything I produce is made on the computer I have no high expenses. The costs are based on the time I spend to make the films.

    Do you work individually as a video artist/film maker or do you work in a team? if you have experience in both, what is the difference, what do you prefer?
    I have worked both ways. Since it is difficult to find someone that share the same ideas, I ussually work alone, but on this video “for the masses” I worked with a partner that works with me on a project called addd. He makes the music and I make the images. We work well together because we share a common taste for music and aesthetic. When this happens it’s nice and the results usually are good, because we both enjoy what the other has done and try to do our best so as to get the best results.

    Who or what has a lasting influence on your film/video making?
    I’m mainly influenced by the russian avant-guarde artists like Malevich, Lissitsky and Rodchenko. I like the abstract shapes and the movement of the geometric forms. But I try not to use this influence in an iconic way, using samples of constructivism posters for example. I try to go further on the basic ideas of these artists and create new things based on them.

    What are your future plans or dreams as a film/video maker?
    I wish I could earn a living making videos, films and clips. Today I still depend of other resources and can’t focus only on the productions of videos, since I don’t get financial return with them. I wish this could change someday.

    Can works of yours viewed online besides on VideoChannel?
