VIP - VideoChannel Interview Project

Namnik, Saman

Saman Namnik
Iranian videomaker


Interview: 10 questions

1. Tell me something about your life and the educational background

Saman Namnik , born 1989 in Naghadeh, north-west of Iran. I graduated in Software, Computer. I am working as software developer in Tehran, Iran.

2. When, how and why started you filming?

I started filmmaking in 2011, but I had this idea for many years before I started filming. I didn’t have the opportunity to start at that time.

3. What kinds of topics have your films?

My films are about life and death!

4. How do you develop your films, do you follow certain principles, styles etc?

I don’t follow personal style at least now! I am trying to search and experience variety styles and narration forms in each film.

5. Tell me something about the technical equipment you use.

regular pc, Canon 5D Mark ii Camera, Ediuse and Premiere pro for editing, and After Effect for color correction

6. These days digital technology is dominating also video as a medium. In which way
the digital aspect is entering the creation of your videos, technologically and/or conceptually?

I don’t know about my future … digital technology helps developing thoughts and ideas in a quicker and less expensive way. Also, it allows me to edit

7. How do you finance your films?

they are low-budget . They are all self produced. One of my principles is also to obtain the maximum result through really cheap means

8. Do you work individually as a video artist/film maker or do you work in a team?

I work alone and individually, I manage all by myself. In fact I don’t know how I can have sponsors and other help!

if you have experience in both, what is the difference, what do you prefer?

I don’t have experience in team working

9. Who or what has a lasting influence on your film/video making?

I work alone and individually, I manage all by myself. In fact I don’t know how I can have sponsors and other help!

10. What are your future plans or dreams as a film/video maker?

I hope I could continue to be an independent filmmaker and trying to exam alternative ways in narration form, style and theme