VIP - VideoChannel Interview Project

Clare, Robin


Robin Clare
is a UK based animator

  • artist biography
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    Interview:10 questions

    1. Tell me something about your life and the educational background

    I was born in Belize to Jamaican parents, where I lived until age four and spent the remainder of my childhood in Jamaica. In 2004 I completed a BA in Painting at University of the Arts London. I have since worked as a freelance artist based in the UK where I have been invited to exhibit my work in both the UK and Europe.

    2. When, how and why started you filming?

    I started playing with animation about a year ago. I am interested in the low tech ways of making film which has traditionally been a high tech endevour. Now there is software on most computers that can allow you use old fashioned ways of animation by scanning in drawings and setting them in motion and incorporating music.

    3.What kind of subjects have your films?

    I have only completed 2 the other has not been so successful. Both films so far are about transformation and deal with similar ideas as my 2D work does. My 2D work relates to issues of re-use of materials and plays with nostalgic ideas or interpretations of the future and past.

    4. How do you develop your films, do you follow certain principles, styles etc?

    I create stop motion animation from my drawings using very basic video editing software.

    5. Tell me something about the technical equipment you use.

    So far I use Windows Movie Maker and use sits on the internet, such as blogs and google video, to upload and as a platform to display my work.

    6. What are the chances of new media for the genre film/video in general and you personally?

    I think new media has the potential to broaden the film/video genre, allowing more people to use it as a means of artistic expression.

    7. How do you finance your films?

    My film are very Lo-fi and use things I have in my studio so my budget is minimal.

    8. Do you work individually as a video artist/film maker or do you work in a team? if you have experience in both, what is the difference, what do you prefer?

    I work individually, exploring my ideas when I have the time.

    9. Who or what has a lasting influence on your film/video making?

    I enjoy old black and white scfi B movies, mainly for the jerky frantic pace of the images and the transparency of the effects, which I’m sure is not intended, but adds an extra dimension.

    10. What are your future plans or dreams as a film/video maker?

    I plan to continue to explore the medium as the technology continues evolve, and to make more animations.